Spring is here in Iceland. Our fishing season started on April 1st – April was little bit cold, but slowly the spring has taken over. Trout fishing has been good since the start, and over the last 2 weeks, char fishing has picked up.In little bit over 3 weeks, our salmon season will start.
The Covid Situation is very good in Iceland and now close to 50% of people older than 16, has had at least their first shot of vaccine. By middle of June, that number should be more than 70%.
Travelling to Iceland
As more and more Icelanders get vaccine, our government plans to make it easier for anglers/tourists to come to our Island.
From June 1st our Government plans to start working with Colour system on the Borders.
- If you have Vaccine, you bring the Certificate and get in easily
- If you have had Covid you bring the Certificate and get in easily
- If you come from a country that has few Covid Cases and that country is categorized as GREEN or YELLOW, you bring 1 PCR test and take 1 test on the borders and then get in if everything is fine.
- If you come from a country with lot of Covid Cases and that country is categorized as RED, you need to Quarantine when you arrive in Iceland
UK travelers – Iceland is on the GREEN list from UK government. That makes everything easier if you plan to trip to Iceland from the UK