Salmon fishing in Iceland

Salmon fishing in Iceland in 2025

Here in Iceland we have few of the very best salmon rivers you can find in Europe. Fishing have been good in recent years and now we are catching many more MW-Salmon than before. We are selling fishing permits to many rivers in Iceland, and full packages as well. Here below you can find few examples of fishing packages we can offer but you can also fill out our contact form and we will get back to with the info about salmon fishing in Iceland.

River Halla and Hvannadals – August and September

River Halla and River Hvannadalsa

Available dates: Send inquiry for available dates.
Rods: 2
Number of fishing days: 2 – 6
Price per person:  contact us.

River Halla and river Hvannadalsa:

Self guided or fully guided. Self catering rivers. Fish 1 River or 2 rivers.

The small Hallá River falls in to the Bay of Húnaflói in the North of Iceland. It is a delicate and small river, where one can be totally on his own. Hallá is fast flowing and rocky in the lower part, but the upper reaches are mostly slow flowing with cut-bank pools, ideal for fly- fishing with light tackle. Hallá is a river fished with only two rods, but guests have over 10 km of river to fish.

River Hvannadalsa is located in the remote area of Westfjords, approx 275 km from Reykjavik – on the west part of the Island. Hvannadalsá shares its river mouth with the another river, Langadalsá, but holds considerably more water, with a striking diversity of pools, waterfalls and memorable gorges.

West Ranga – “Big fish time”

Available dates:  July 4-8th or 6-8th. Also June 24-29th
Rods: 2
Number of fishing days:  1-4 days. Contact us for more info
Price per person:  Contact us.

West Ranga:

Salmon fishing in Iceland – West Ranga is Iceland nr. 1 river if you look at number of salmon caught pr. season. West Ranga is fished with max 18 rods pr. day and it is fly only from start of the season until early september. Dates we have to offer here, are early in the season but that is when most of the MWS arrive up into the river. Here you can read more about West Ranga.

The trip of a lifetime spent with great company salmon fishing the west ranga in Iceland. Our guides Kristinn and Ollie were simply the best, the lodge modern and the staff very polite, helpful and cheery. All in all a fantastic 5 days fishing highly recommended.

Ian, July 2016, - Fishing in Iceland - West Ranga

Angler with a salmon caught at West Ranga on July 3th 2016

What a great experience, wonderful fishing, guided by Kristinn and Ollie, superb modern accommodation in a wonderful setting with delicious meals. There is nothing I could suggest that might have improved our five days fishing at West Ranga. Would go back tomorrow.

Bruce, July 2016, - Fishing in Iceland - West Ranga

West Ranga – Prime time

Salmon fishing in Iceland - West Ranga

Salmon fishing in Iceland – West Rang´s fishing season start around June 20th and ends around October 20th.

Available dates:
Rods:  2
Number of fishing days: 2-5
Price per person:   Contact us for more info.

West Ranga river:

Fishing starts around 21st of June in West Ranga Prime time is from middle of July until beginning of September. Those days are during the Prime time at West Ranga. Here you can find more info about West Ranga.

River Hvolsa and Stadarholsa

Available dates:  Early July dates and Sept dates.
Rods: 4
Number of fishing days: 2 – 4
Price per person:   contact us

Fishing on the west coast of Iceland:

Hvolsa and Stadarholsa are very good rivers that come together in a Lagoon, shortly before they run into the sea. During high tide, The Lagoon and the lowest part of the rivers rise as a result of sea water running into the Lagoon. Fishing is often great in the early season in the Lagoon and also in dry summers. Hvolsa and Stadarholsa are fished with Fly and Worm.

Salmon fishing in Iceland – River Hvolsa and Stadarholsa – fished with max 4 rods pr. day – Fly, bait and spinner allowed

East Ranga – Early season

Available dates: late June dates in 2025.
Rods: 2
Number of fishing days: 2-4
Price per person:  Contact us.

East Ranga:

Salmon fishing in Iceland – East Ranga is one of the most productive salmon river in Iceland but also the one that has the highest rate of Big salmon in Iceland. . Here you can read more about East Ranga.

East Ranga in Iceland

Salmon fishing in Iceland: Angler with a salmon caught at East Ranga in early July 2016

East Ranga – Late Summer

Available dates: 
Rods: 2 or 4
Number of fishing days: 2-6
Price per person:  Contact us.

East Ranga:

Salmon fishing in Iceland – East Ranga is one of the most productive salmon river in Iceland but also the one that has the highest rate of Big salmon in Iceland. After July 10th we can expect big runs of smaller salmon, 4-6 pounds, to start to run up to east Ranga. East Ranga is Fly only until late August. In September it is possible to fish with spin rods and worm rods, as well as Fly rods.  Here you can read more about East Ranga.

east ranga

Salmon fishing in Iceland: East Ranga salmon

West Ranga – Fly, spinner and bait

Salmon fishing in Iceland – West Rang´s fishing season start around June 21st and ends around October 20th.

Available dates: September 16-20th and September 22-26th 2025
Rods: 2+6 rods available
Number of fishing days: 2-6
Price per person:   Contact us for more info.

West Ranga river:

Salmon fishing in Iceland – Fishing starts around 21st of June in West Ranga Prime and from the start, until early September, West Ranga is only fished with Fly and Fly rods. If you like to fish with Spinner or bait, those days in September are a great opportunity for you to fish in Iceland best salmon river.  Here you can find more info about West Ranga.

River Nordura

Available dates: 
Rods: 2-3
Number of fishing days: 3-6
Price per person:  Contact us for more info

River Nordura:

Salmon fishing in Iceland – River Nordura is one of the best Salmon rivers we have in Iceland. It is fished with 12-15 rods pr. day. River Nordura is split into 2 parts; main salmon area and the upper part that is fished with 3 rods. Second half of June is in the beginning of the Prime time at Nordura river. Here you can find more info about Nordura.

River Nordura

River Nordura

Available dates: 
Rods: 2
Number of fishing days: 3
Price per person:  Contact us for more info

River Nordura:

River Nordura is one of the best Salmon rivers we have in Iceland. It is fished with 12-15 rods pr. day. River Nordura is split into 2 parts; main salmon area and the upper part that is fished with 3 rods. Beginning of August is in the end of the Prime time at Nordura river. Here you can find more info about Nordura.

River Nordura

River Myrarkvisl – July, August and Sept

Fishing in Iceland - salmon fishing

River Myrarkvisl – Autumn salmon

Available dates: From July 20 – Sept 10th
Rods: 2 to 4
Number of fishing days: 4-6
Price per person:  Contact us

River Mýrarkvisl:

River Mýrarkvisl is a very good salmon and brown river in north part of Iceland. Myrarkvisl is fished with max 4 rods pr. day. Salmon season at Myrarkvisl start in second part of July and ends late in September. Anglers stay in very good self catering cabin close to the river. Here you can read more about river Myrarkvisl.