Reykjadalsa River

Season: May 15. – September 15.
Species: Brown trout – Char – Salmon. Catch & release
Lodge: 4 double bed rooms, hot tub.
Location: Reykjadalur Valley. 442 km from Reykjavik, 61 km from Akureyri
Rods: 6
Catch rate: Every year around 3000 trout are caught whole season long and around 100 salmon.
About the river
The Reykjadalsa river is located in the northern part of Iceland in the South-Thingeyjarsysla region and is a tributary to the Laxa in Adaldalur valley. In fact the Reykjadalur valley that the Reykjadalsa river flows through is located right next to the Adaldalur valley. The river is fishable for a total of 35 kilometers and is fished with a maximum of 6 rods at any given time. That gives each angler a lot of room to fish.
This is brown trout fishing heaven with unbelievable numbers of good sized trout that are willing to rise to dry flies.
The top part of the river is faster then the lower part and so more rapids and fast moving runs and pools are to be found but as we move downstream the water slows down a bit and the river flows through grassy meadows with numerous bends and deep pools. The fish can be found anywhere but the bigger fish are normally found in the deeper pools. Wading is easy all over but of course wading is not to be done in the deepest of pools.
The river flows through two lakes on it‘s way to meet the Big Laxa before going to sea and in the lowest part after both lakes the fish tend to be smaller but very willing to rise to anglers dry flies. There is also some char to be had, especially in and around the first and biggest lake. This river is dry fly heaven!
It seems trout are all over the place in this river and the rule of thumb is that there is a fish anywhere you think to look for it.
What flies to use
Klinkhammers, Shuttlecocks, Caddis, Gnats, Midges etc. for dry flies. Caddis and midge imitations for nymphs. If the conditions for streamer present themselves we suggest using minnow patterns and stickleback imitations alike. Black Ghost, Wooly buggers and Dog Nobblers have proven themselves as well as Muddler Minnow.
Above info is from the “owner” of Reykjadalsa river.
Contact info
Tel: +354 897 3443