Fishing in Iceland in 2018

Now the 2017 fishing season in coming to an end here in Iceland. This season was quite good, both salmon and trout fishing. But now we have started to plan for next season, Fishing in Iceland in 2018. We have added some great rivers to your top picks for next year, both salmon rivers, trout rivers and trout lakes in Iceland.

Fishing at few of our favourite salmon rivers in Iceland were very good this summer. West Ranga are up to 7.000 salmon for the season. River Nordura ended with 1.719 salmon, approx. 400 more than last summer. River Hvolsa and Stadarholsa ended with approx. 250 salmon and 400 arctic char. At river Vatnsa we caught good numer of both salmon and big sea trout. We can offer some great salmon rivers with good self catering cabins and lodges, but we also offer salmon rivers with full service lodges. For more info, please fill out this contact form.

Our top trout and char rivers/lakes for the 2018 season in north part of Iceland are River Svarta, River Myrarkvisl, River Reykjadalsa and river Laxa in Adaldalur. For the south part of the Island, we focus on River Minnivallalaekur, River Kaldakvisl, River Holaa, Lake Heidarvatn and the private beats at Lake Thingvellir. We can set up at great trip for you for 2018. For more info, please fill out this contact form.

Please let us know if you want to fly fish, spin fish or bait fish in Iceland. Let us also know if you would like to have a guide with you while you fish. If you have a certain budget you would like to stay within, it would be good to let us know as prices for permits are different from one river to the next here in Iceland.

For those who are planning a holiday trip to Iceland in 2018, we do offer day tours from Reykjavik. See here.

Tight lines.