Spring is here in Iceland. Our fishing season started on April 1st – April was little bit cold, but slowly the spring has taken over. Trout fishing has been good since the start, and over the last 2 weeks, char fishing has picked up.In little bit over 3 weeks, our salmon season will start.

The Covid Situation is very good in Iceland and now close to 50% of people older than 16, has had at least their first shot of vaccine. By middle of June, that number should be more than 70%.

Travelling to Iceland
As more and more Icelanders get vaccine, our government plans to make it easier for anglers/tourists to come to our Island.
From June 1st our Government plans to start working with Colour system on the Borders.

  • If you have Vaccine, you bring the Certificate and get in easily
  • If you have had Covid you bring the Certificate and get in easily
  • If you come from a country that has few Covid Cases and that country is categorized as GREEN or YELLOW, you bring 1 PCR test and take 1 test on the borders and then get in if everything is fine.
  • If you come from a country with lot of Covid Cases and that country is categorized as RED, you need to Quarantine when you arrive in Iceland

UK travelers –  Iceland is on the GREEN list from UK government. That makes everything easier if you plan to trip to Iceland from the UK

If you are interested in Fishing in Iceland this summer, please contact us and we will help you plan a great trip to Iceland.