Here in Iceland we have well over 100 salmon rivers. Some of them are small and privately owned, and only fished by their owners. Permits for other rivers are sold to who ever wants to fish in them. Limited nr. of rods are allowed in each rivers. In the smallest rivers, only 1 or 2 rods are allowed pr. day, but in the largest rivers up to 20 rods are allowed. Smaller rivers usually have self caterings lodges but at the larger one, full service lodges are very often included.

Salmon season starts in the beginning of June, and ends in October. Prime time is from apprx. July 10th to August 25th. Many salmon rivers here in Iceland are “Fly only”, but few of them still allow spinning and bait.

We can help you find the right river to fish in this summer or the next – just send us an email or call us. – Tel: +354 897 3443