Villingavatn Lake

Location: South Iceland. 44 km from Reykjavik.
Rods: 4, in 2 beats.
Access: Road 360
Average size: 3-8 pounds fish are common, upto 14 pounds.
Season: April 15th – September 20th.
Accommodation: Available on request.

About the lake

Lake Villingavatn is a small lake that is connected to Lake Thingvallavatn through a small stream. Lake Villingavatn holds good number of really big Brown Trout.

Even though the lake is small and shallow in big parts, the trout are big and they give anglers a great fight.

Best flies for the lake are small light streamers – Gray Ghost, Black Ghost and more similar streamers, sizes 12 – 8.

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Contact info

Tel: +354 897 3443