Leirvogsa – Salmon River

Location: Just outside Reykjavik, approx 10 km from down town Reykjavik.
Season: 25 June – 22. September
Prime time: 10 July – 25 August
Extent: 15 km long river, both banks
Average catch: close to 400 salmon (average lbs), good number of sea trout
Rods: 2
Lodge: No lodge. Easy to find accommodation close by.
About Leirvogsa
River Leirvogsa is located just outside Reykjavik city and it runs through a beautiful valley before it connects to the sea. Despite the closeness to the city the river surroundings are overall remote as well as scenic. In recent years, average catch on the Leirvogsa has been among the overall highest, or approx. three salmon per rod per day. Besides the salmon, river Leirvogsa is providing good sized sea trout as well.
Numerous and varied fishing sites characterize this river and many are great for fly fishing. The river is formed by tributaries, but also influenced by springs. Total length is 19 approx km, but 8 km are passable for salmon. The river is fished with only two rods at a time and the catch has frequently been 400 to 900 salmon in a single season.
Contact info
E-mail: info@anglers.is
Tel: +354 897 3443