Disinfecting your gear
Disinfecting fishing gear – Iceland has always been free of diseases like UDN and Gyrodactylus salaris and we intend to keep it that way. There is a strict policy of visiting anglers having their tackle sterilized before coming to Iceland. This should be done in a 2% formaldehyde solution for 10 minutes and performed by a veterinary surgeon. (Tackle sterilized in Virkon S is also acceptable.) A signed inventory of what has been sterilized should be provided by the vet for presentation to the customs officers at Keflavik airport. The most important items to be treated are: rods, reel/line, waders and flies.
The process can be carried out by staff at Keflavik airport. The Company “Kefparking” operates a fast, 24 hour disinfection service at Keflavik International Airport. Price is around 40$ (ISK 4.900) for the first 5 items, with an additional 2.5$ (ISK 300) for each item after the first five. Contact the custom officers for this service. You may have to wait for a few minutes.
And please note that all import of fresh bait of organic origin is strictly forbidden. This ban includes for example all kinds of worms, larvae, shrimps, minnows and eggs of fish. Any attempt to import such bait is punishable by law. Just the same, it may be imported if thoroughly cooked.
Contact info
E-mail: info@anglers.is
Tel: +354 897 3443